A downloadable game for Windows

As Above, So Below.   A large deposit of Cryptonium is left below   the surface of the crater from the asteroid strike.  A civilization has been able to harness its energy.     You have been tracking this asteroid for your own gain and came to investigate its potential. You have become trapped   by a force shield powered by the Cryptonium deposit from below. You must destroy the Sheild Generator and beam back up to the Warp tunnel above and return to your home planet with   the human specimens that you have collected.

Gameplay Instructions

SpaceBar-Up, LeftCtrl-Down, W-Forward, A-Left, D-Right, S-Backwards, Mouse- Look Left/Right/Up Down, LeftShift-Speed Faster, 1-Missiles, 2- 4way Lasers, 3- Orbital Laser, 4- Teleport/Capture, ESC-Exit, Left Mouse Button-Fire. P- Power Off/On

GamePad Controls:

Left Thumb stick Press-Up, Right Thumb stick press-Down, Left Thumb stick Up-Forward, Left Thumb stick Left-Left, Left Thumb stick Right-Right, Left Thumb stick Down-Backwards, Right Trigger-Speed Faster, Right Trigger-Fire, Dpad Left-Missiles, Dpad Up- 4way Lasers, Dpad Right- Orbital Laser, Dpad Down- Teleport/Capture, Special Left-Exit, Special Right- Enter 




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(2 edits) (-1)

Looking forward to seeing the winners and highlight real! I have added features and bug fixes since the submission and will update it after the announcement if I am allowed. BeamUp Now works with a Gamepad and supports Nvidia DLSS and RTXGI Global illumination. I've made the AI Characters larger, they make sounds when you when they are in the air when you capture them and they can shoot you down from farther range. They now ragdoll when dead and I've fixed the issue where sometimes the gun would be left hanging after dead or captured.  Added Turrets, foliage and a Camera Cut with the shield generator explodes to show the Shield over the crater dissolving!  You can now shoot the moving vehicles and I swapped out the 1K buildings with 4K buildings.